
Russian Government Urges Australian Embassy to Remove Social Media Post



Embassy officials from the Australian embassy in Moscow have been summoned by Russian authorities following a social media post that criticized the holding of Russian presidential elections in occupied parts of Ukraine. The Russian foreign ministry stated that the post, made on the Telegram platform, questioned Russia’s territorial integrity and contained false information about the voting process in various Russian regions during the presidential election on March 15-17.

Australia’s Chargé d’affaires was informed that the online post was considered as interference in Russia’s internal affairs. The Russian government demanded that the message be removed and that measures be taken to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

The Australian embassy’s post on Telegram on March 19, in Russian language, highlighted Australia’s stance on the election conducted by Russia in Ukrainian territories. The post emphasized that these actions by Russia undermine Ukraine’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, and political independence. Australia rejected the outcome of the election and reiterated its call for Russia to withdraw from Ukraine’s internationally recognized territory.

The Russian presidential election, which saw President Vladimir Putin declared the winner with over 87% of the vote, took place in areas of Ukraine that Russia claims to have annexed, including Crimea and parts of four regions seized after its 2022 invasion.

The incident underscores the ongoing tensions between Russia and Western countries, including Australia, regarding the situation in Ukraine. Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014 and its continued involvement in Ukrainian affairs have been met with strong opposition and condemnation from the international community.

Australian embassy officials have not yet responded publicly to the Russian government’s demands regarding the social media post. It remains to be seen how the Australian government will address the issue and whether the post will be removed as requested by Russian authorities.

As the diplomatic exchange continues between Russia and Australia, the situation highlights the importance of careful communication and diplomacy in addressing sensitive political issues. The tension over the Ukrainian territories and the implications of the Russian presidential election in those areas serve as a stark reminder of the complex challenges facing the international community today.

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