
Why is blog writing important for your digital marketing strategy?



Experts believe that blog writing is a powerful key component in any digital marketing strategy especially yours!

Did you know that an effective digital marketing strategy always revolves around your business’s website?

Your leads could go up by 67% and you might get a click-through rate of 97% on your website.

But, all this is not so easy to achieve without a proper marketing strategy. Your blog should be well-researched and engaging that provides valuable information to your readers for starters.

That’s being said, let’s go deeper as to why a blog is a necessary component for your digital marketing strategy?

1 – Increases brand value – Having multiple blog posts is an effective way to build connections with your customers by providing them with valuable information and solutions to their problems. This way, you’re showing your audience that you care about their needs and want to help them make informed decisions.

Make sure to provide direct links for customers to ask questions or provide feedback on the products or services you offer. Unlike social media posts, blog content is searchable on your website, which means reviews and comments can last much longer.

2 – Higher SEO ranking – Blogs are a proven way to improve your search engine optimisation (SEO) efforts. Google highly values consistent fresh and new content.

Always add specific keywords related to your product or service in your blog posts, helping to enhance your search keyword rankings.

Studies indicate that businesses which incorporate blog writing as part of their content marketing mix secure 67% more leads than those who do not.

Ask your team members to share experiences at events or discuss recent industry trends. Even something as simple as refreshing visuals can make an impact.

3 – Boost brand awareness – Your blog can foster a deeper connection between your brand and your customers.

Compelling storytelling lies at the heart of effective branding campaigns. Blog writing allows you to convey stories directly to your audience. Consistent posting engaging content, increases your brand’s visibility and establishes trust with your readers. Encouraging user engagement through questionnaires or polls can further enhance this dynamic.

4 – Social media promotion – With a high social media content consumption rate, regularly posting engaging and unique content (2 blog posts a week), provides a way for your audience to share your blog posts across different social channels, increasing more visibility and offering opportunities for your content to reach broader audiences as it’s shared multiple times.

5 – More website traffic – If you’re looking to increase the amount of traffic to your website, there are a ways you can do just that. One effective method is to come up with an eye-catchy title for your blog post or article. Once it’s shared on your social channels, more engaged readers will click through to read it in full. You can also offer a short teaser of your article to entice readers even further. Another strategy that works well is including links to your articles in company mailouts. This way, people can click through and read them at their leisure.

6 – Gain more leads – Showcasing your business’s values and transparency attracts new customers. Today’s conscientious consumers don’t just want a business that provides their required services – they also value companies with a strong sense of purpose and ethical values.

Highlight your efforts on your company blog to engage potential customers and stand out in a crowded market.

7 – Establishes business as Authority – Demonstrating your expertise through in-depth articles on your niche, establishes your business as a reliable and knowledgeable source that readers can turn to for information. By creating this type of content, you solidify and unify your authority within the industry and enhance your business credibility overall.

8 – Build stronger business relationships – it’s common to include mentions of other organisations that offer complementary services or products. If you approve of these businesses and are not direct competitors, including links to their websites can be beneficial for your readers. This is also a great opportunity to introduce yourself and establish communication with the organisation you are mentioning in your blog. This approach helps build business relationships, and if they respond positively, you might want to request that they share your content on their social media channels or with their audiences.

9 – Keeping up with trends – Researching and sourcing ideas on a weekly or monthly basis for a new blog piece, helps you to keep up with the latest developments in your industry. Be aware and mention new technologies, advances and news in your blog posts is valuable for future reference or if any of them should ever come up in discussion with your clients, and being well-informed about what is going on in your industry will only help further your progress as a business, as well as potentially saving you from some seriously costly mistakes.

10 – Maintaining a consistent blog schedule (weekly, twice weekly or monthly) – requires a significant investment of time dedicated solely to researching and producing high-quality content, demonstrating your devotion and worth towards providing clients with fresh and new information that is engaging and informational with intellectual capital.

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