
CDNetworks Receives Frost & Sullivan Customer Value Leadership Award for Web Security



Recently, Frost & Sullivan assessed the web application firewall industry and, based on its findings, recognizes CDNetworks with the 2023 Asia-Pacific Customer Value Leadership Award. The company is a leading content delivery network (CDN) and edge service provider with a strong footprint in Asia-Pacific backed by a well-established local network infrastructure. Its product portfolio includes CDN, edge computing, web performance, media delivery, enterprise applications, and cloud-delivered security services. As part of its security offering, its cloud-based web application firewall (WAF) service is delivered through its global network of over 2,800 distributed Points of Presence (PoPs), covering more than 16 Asia-Pacific countries.

CDNetworks continually expands its local point of presence (PoP) to optimize back-end infrastructure and service performance, enabling it to better support an increasing number of customers in Greater China, ASEAN, Japan, and South Korea. Its application programming interface (API) security solutions integrate with WAF, distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) protection, and bot management, resulting in a one-stop Web Applications and API Protection Solution (WAAP) that helps customers tackle a wide range of web threats. The company continues to upgrade common security features to enhance interoperability between different in-house products.

Vivien Pua, senior industry analyst at Frost & Sullivan, observed, “CDNetworks is dedicated to addressing customers’ growing demands for consolidated application security solutions that offer enhanced protection against evolving web-based threats.”

CDNetworks: Enhancing Application Infrastructure Security

CDNetworks reassures customers of their application infrastructure security while allowing them to pivot their attention to core business activities. Its partnerships with major cloud service providers, technology vendors, and telecommunications companies in the region enhance the support and interoperability of its offerings. Its good knowledge of the local markets and commitment to addressing local customer demands through an in-country presence and support from local channel partners differentiate it from the competition. Its flexible pricing allows customer to evaluate the investment based on the predictable cost. To help customers smoothly implement WAF solutions to secure their applications, CDNetworks provides onboarding assistance for deployment and security rule optimization.

“CDNetworks has demonstrated a strong track record of supporting diverse customers in the region in the face of the expanded application attack surface and the evolving sophistication of web-based attacks. It serves customers with fast responses and solves their specific requirements, challenges, and pain points,” added Pua. With its comprehensive application security solution, flexible and competitive pricing, local customer support, and strong overall performance, CDNetworks earns Frost & Sullivan’s 2023 Asia-Pacific Customer Value Leadership Award in the web application firewall industry.

Each year, Frost & Sullivan presents this award to the company that has demonstrated excellence in implementing strategies that proactively create value for its customers with a focus on improving the return on the investment that customers make in its services or products. The award recognizes the company’s unique focus on augmenting the value that its customers receive, beyond simply good customer service, leading to improved customer retention and customer base expansion.

Frost & Sullivan Best Practices awards recognize companies in various regional and global markets for demonstrating outstanding achievement and superior performance in leadership, technological innovation, customer service, and strategic product development. Industry analysts compare market participants and measure performance through in-depth interviews, analyses, and extensive secondary research to identify best practices in the industry.

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